Feature Film Scripts

Meeting Lorne Michaels

Family dramedy

Praise for Meeting Lorne Michaels:

“A true teen-angst story, this has the potential for broad audience appeal.” –- ScreenCraft Reader A.K.

“You’ve got a real talent for comedy!” –- PAGE Awards Judge A.C.

“… is The Simpsons funny!  You can write, and what’s more, you can write funny. Well done.” — ScreenCraft Reader A.K.

Just Be Cool

Family Dramedy

Praise for Just Be Cool:

“lots of broad humor, but also mixes in heartwarming character arcs. We root for the kids all the way through” — Nicholls reader

“fun characters here with a SILICON VALLEY vibe […] this has the potential for broad commercial appeal.  I love Frank and Stanley.” — PAGE Awards Judge HH

“an abundance of both heart and humor. The characters are all distinctly drawn, nicely layered, and their emotions felt genuine throughout.” — Nicholls reader

“there won’t be a dry eye in the house.” — PAGE Awards Judge NPS


Science Fiction

Praise for Ink:

“fast-paced, well-written [..] Your skill as a storyteller is clearly evident” — Script Pipeline

“perfect property for a potential series.” –- BlueCat Reader 9039

“takes the reader on a surprisingly mature journey, with a rich world and inspiring characters […] I shed a tear when Duke perished.” — PAGE Awards Judge

Short Films

Dostra (in production)


Two strangers meet and become friends among the rubble of a deadly earthquake without ever seeing one another.

Getting Lucky


Nick is an alcoholic who thinks he has it all figured out. Another night of get the drink and get the girl — the wrong girl.

Short Films Produced by Cinequest

Better (in post-production)


It’s career day at school and a young boy finds an unlikely ally when he suffers flashbacks of his brother’s murder.

Citizen Hector (watch)


Hector’s grandkids are studying US government in school while he works to finalize his citizenship in time to vote in the upcoming election.

Level Up (watch)

Family Comedy

Generations clash when it comes to gaming technology, but in this family, tokens rule.