Television Scripts

Silicon Curve

Hour-long historical drama

Praise for Silicon Curve:

“an engaging read, with compelling characters who made me want to spend more time with them” — PAGE Awards

“an extremely well-written period drama, in the vein of MAD MEN or MASTERS OF SEX” — The Black List

“an excellent character, one that women everywhere will relate to and root for” –- Tracking Board Launch Pad

“it’d be nice to see it land on Netflix or Amazon; somewhere where it could be binged and easily repeated.” — The Black List

“the perfect fit for AMC […] an extremely well-written, engaging pilot ” — Tracking Board Launch Pad

“a viable and fresh idea […] effective efficiency at its finest” — PAGE Awards

Silicon Curve Poster


Hour-long supernatural drama

Praise for Aeternum:

“a great, original concept” — PAGE Awards Judge V.W.

“Striking, atmospheric writing packed with vivid detail and effortless world-building establishes this writer as a real one to watch.” — Tracking Board

“fascinating and emotional premise […] The stakes and obstacles cause this to be tense and dramatic, which provides good excitement and momentum” — PAGE Awards Judge B.N.

“A strong combination of artistic execution and mainstream, structurally sound storytelling” — Tracking Board

Spec Scripts

How To Get Away With Murder – I Know A Guy

While the mystery of who Rebecca contacted prior to her murder continues to unfold though shocking revelations, Annalise and Frank are forced to handle a new case for a man who played a damaging role in Annalise’s past and who now needs her help to get away with murder.